Friday, July 11, 2008

Back in Town

So I know it's been a while, but the last few weeks have been kind of busy and they went by really fast. As of now, I'm back in town and I have in my luggage all 100 interviews with the answers translated into YAY!!! success. Now comes the hard part. I said before that I needed to analyze the responses using a software program. I was planning on using AnSWR, a CDC program that can be downloaded for free; however, I couldn't get it to work on my computer (probably because there's not enough space for it), so I'm going to try it again on my desktop. If this doesn't work, I'll have to find another program.
On another note, I definitely felt like the time I was there was way too short because it went by so quickly and because I felt like it wasn't enough time to do everything I wanted to do (not only in terms of working on my project, but also in terms of relationships). I felt like all of the relationships I had with my mentors, the people I lived with, the aunties that took care of me, all of the fieldworkers that completed the interviews etc. were very short-lived and it was kind of unfair because it seemed like I was being very selfish with my time. I mean I know right now it feels like this because they haven't gotten anything back in return, but maybe in the end, when I've analyzed all of the data and come up with a report that will help design the most effective awareness program, they'll know that all of their work went to something that will change the perceptions on HIV/AIDS in relation to pregnancy of the women living in the slums.